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Resources for English teachers |
Crossbow Education Ltd . . . Specialists in Dyslexia and Visual Stress support resources, supplying coloured overlays, tinted exercise books, and multisensory literacy resources to 60% of UK schools. BESA supllier of the Year short-listed 2011. Website: Email: Tel: 0845 269 7272 ... Ref: 1558 | Audioposts Ltd . . . Audioposts Ltd provide listening station and audio listening equipment. Designed specifically for oral history projects, drama projects, audio and graphical information in public spaces. Come and talk to us about your project and let us see how we can help. Website: Email: Tel: 0845 643 1044 ... Ref: 459 | Author - John Howard . . . "John Howard’s visit to South Molton was truly inspirational" Bev Turner, Head of English. This is just one quote extracted from the hundreds available on the book’s website. Author visit is relevant for years 5 - 8. Limited dates for 2007. Website: Email: Tel: ... Ref: 144 | Best Essay Point . . . Best Essay Point provide essay writing service to the people across the world. our service include high quality essays,assignments and dissertations writing as well as assignment editing and other types of contents writing regarding to any field of life on any topic and subjects. The purpose of best essay point is to guide people about methods and techniques to write an essay and teach them about assignment types. Website: Email: Tel: 03052516489 ... Ref: 3570 | Blast Programme Ltd . . . BLAST is a structured, fully prepared and resourced 6 week programme for Early Years Settings and is nationally recognised as good practice in developing speech, language and communication skills in Early Years children. Find out more at Website: Email: Tel: 08435570343 ... Ref: 2692 | Grammar . . . GRAMMAR: THE NAMING OF PARTS … DIY handbook of definitions and activities that explain the functioning of parts of speech. Creative in approach, readers generate and analyse their own examples. For staff development, INSET, and use with B.Ed students. £2.50 from my website. Website: Email: Tel: 07729712392 ... Ref: 1369 | Crick Software . . . Crick Software produces literacy software for children of all ages and abilities. Crick’s best-known product is its writing support tool, Clicker, which is used in over 90% of UK primary schools. WriteOnline is its innovative online word processor for students aged 9 – adult. Website: Email: Tel: 01604 671691 ... Ref: 1662 | Get Reading Right . . . Publishes Synthetic Phonics fully decodable books and resources to support teachers and parents in teaching of early reading and spelling Website: Email: Tel: ... Ref: 331 | Good Morning Children Ltd . . . WAKING UP YOUNG MINDS. Our unique thinking skills resources are used in classrooms around the world. They are designed by teachers for children aged from under 5 to 11+. New material for every school day from just £15/year! Website: Email: Tel: 0870 446 10 20 ... Ref: 349 | Independent Writer . . . Our unique system enables students to develop independent writing. Pupils are placed at one of 4 'Words' levels. Then by using the back-up materials they quickly become confident at producing increasingly imaginative and descriptive writing. Website: Email: Tel: 01394 460074 ... Ref: 1796 | LearnThruMusic . . . At LearnThruMusic we develop and provide innovative music based educational resources and services.
Educational resources
We help students learn and revise key exam and coursework topics by combining the GCSE syllabus with modern music.
For example GCSE English LearnThruMusic is an audio based learning/revision resource comprising of 15 educational songs and educational notes.
Educational Services
LearnThruMusic workshops are interactive learning and key skills sessions where students work together with the assistance of professional musician mentors and relevant specialists to create unique songs that inspire students to learn about set topics
No prior singing or production experience is necessary.
LearnThruMusic workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of your institution and are designed to be fun and relevant. Website: Email: Tel: 01792368937 ... Ref: 1490 | MakeBelieve Arts . . . Resource Materials for Teachers and Education workers to support Creative Approaches to the Curriculum.
Including Teaching Mathematics Creatively,
Dramatic Mathematics,
Drama in Literacy and
the Early Years Pack (Helicopter Resource Pack, The Women Who Cooked Everything and Monsters & Superhereos DVD). Website: Email: Tel: 020 8691 3803 ... Ref: 1665 | Morrells Handwriting . . . The one thing you must do today...Engage your Pupils with real handwriting skills.
It’s time to motivate those hard-to-reach learners who struggle to improve their handwriting skills.
Our handwriting books help children understand how to form and join letters correctly. Links between each letter show the correct place to join. Perfect for children who struggle to master handwriting skills.
Each book provides a wide range of meaningful practice in handwriting skills through fun Literacy activities. Starting at just £4.95 each, our new range of non photocopiable and photocopiable books are perfect to help reluctant learners whose bad habits are difficult to break. Easy and fun to use. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Guaranteed results.
Give a buzz to handwriting! Website: Email: Tel: 0792973444 ... Ref: 676 | Playstage . . . Royalty-free plays for children aged 7 - 16, for performance or as classroom aids. Licence to photocopy is included. Full catalogue and samples of plays can be viewed on the website. Plays can also be purchased online and downloaded almost immediately. Website: Email: Tel: ... Ref: 199 | POPS Resources . . . The POPS programme supports an integrated approach to learning to read and slow easy steps to learning to decode. The series consists of finely graded readers supported by Word Cards, Phonic Sets and Educational Games for primary school children with additional support needs. Website: Email: Tel: 0131 4477747 ... Ref: 201 | Prim-Ed Publishing . . . Prim-Ed Publishing specialises in the publication of copymasters for early years, primary school, special needs and lower secondary pupils. Our books are written by practising classroom teachers. Contact us to receive your free catalogue.
Website: Email: Tel: 0870 8760151 ... Ref: 1621 | Stories and More - Thearical Storytelling . . . Stories and More's professional Storytellers visit Primary, Infants and Junior Schools throughout the country bringing stories to life in a fun, fast, theatrical way. All the children are encouraged to participate in the storytelling, we have a selection of fantastic stories to choose from or we can create a new story to fit with a particular theme or project. Our sessions our designed to give children a magical and memorable experience that will stay with them beyond the classroom. Our sessions enrich spoken and written language. Website: Email: Tel: 08450756044 ... Ref: 1725 | swan neck pens . . . A British company has invented the revolutionary Swanneck Pen, which was specifically designed to make writing simple and smooth for all. With extensive research we have found the swanneck pen is just as effective for millions of right-handers writing in Arabic or other ‘right-to left’ languages used thought-out Asia and the Middle East, The design has a worldwide patent and is design registered.
Launching in 2012 – Biomaster antimicrobial Swanneck pen for healthcare medical and educational sectors.
Our company specializes in innovating products we design and distribute our own products and have opened an office in the Middle East for sales and distribution, Sharjah U.A.E. of our unique swanneck pens.
We feel that our product would benefit a large percentage of the world population.
The hardest thing for a child is not being able to see what they are writing when learning to write letters, characters and script text. Website: Email: Tel: 01454 316262 ... Ref: 1323 | The Crowman . . . Storytelling and creative activities for early years, KS1 and KS2. Inset days in Design Technology and Art.
"The Listeners" project promoting listening skills and the use of digital sound recording to produce sound art with KS2 and KS3 groups. Website: Email: Tel: 01792 529752 ... Ref: 202 | Zap Learning Ltd . . . Zap Learning aims to bring the core subjects of the primary school syllabus to life employing proven scientific methodologies such as spaced repetition in a gamified engaging format. Zap Learning helps students by meeting them at their level of knowledge and progressing them through the entire syllabus. Zap Maths aims to make the students learning journey fun, engaging and encouraging. Zap English and Zap Science are in the works and will be added to the Zap range soon. Website: / Email: Tel: 07728222280 ... Ref: 3900 | Total : 24