School Supplies

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Edu Suppliers is a one-stop website for schools looking for school supplies and educational supplies, including equipment, services and curriculum subject resources from over 1009 suppliers.

As well as chalk and desk suppliers, Edu Suppliers cover curriculum subject areas, school administration and other categories.

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360 Education . . . 360 Education firmly believes that each and every child can achieve their ambitions both inside and outside of the school environment regardless of their backgrounds. Our Anti-Bullying and Self-Esteem workshops aims to nurture this belief through interactive discussions and role play thus boosting students confidence and understanding of important subjects.
Website:  /     Email:    Tel: 07799360723 ... Ref: 3950

A-life . . . A-life aims to improve the eating habits and activity levels of the next generation. We bring to Schools, hands on healthy living workshops & fitness sessions that encourage & educate children to lead healthy long lives. (R-Yr 8)A-life also now provide alcohol & drugs awareness sessions for yr 5-8
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01923 286822 ... Ref: 143

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Website:     Email:    Tel: 3456789 ... Ref: 3901

Alcohol Education Trust . . . Providing secondary schools with free resources on alcohol education - guidance, lesson plans, worksheets, video clips - available on website detailed and at an interactive site for pupils and parents, and in teacher workbook and DVD, plus booklets 'Alcohol and You' a guide for 14yrs+ and 'Talking to Kids about Alcohol' guide for parents/carers. Resources suitable for SEN (worksheets). Also offer to do parent information evenings and teacher training.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01300 320869 ... Ref: 1811

bMoneywize . . . Personal Finance Resource: toolkit: I would like to discuss a key opportunity with you. Have you ever considered that the young people of this generation, in this country, are unprepared for handling their own finances? With the help of my teenage collaborators, we created the bMoneywize, with the goal of helping young people rethink maths and money. At the end of 2015, it was nominated for the Best New Product at the Market Gravity Corporate Entrepreneur Awards and shortlisted for Innovation at the Reimagine Education Awards 2016- Pennsylvania USA. bMoneywize exits to provide tools to increase children and young adults’ financial literacy and maths skills! You may know of bMoneywize- personal finance tool kit featured in the Annual Personal Finance Competition 2017, sponsored by Old Mutual Wealth and Moneywise. It is my goal to get this game to as many young people as possible. With your industry knowledge as well as being a platform for selling high quality consumer goods, I hope we can collaborate together. It currently sells on Amazon, independently at £24.99, but with wider distribution I am confident it will be a popular game, as all the feedback up until this point has been outstandingly positive. This has convinced me this is a game young people genuinely want to play, and will enjoy. Please see testimonials and comments from toolkit users: From parents: From children: From a parent: I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you
Website:     Email:    Tel: +447940595273 / 020 ... Ref: 3549

Boardworks PSHEE/Citizenship . . . Boardworks KS3+KS4 Citizenship contains everything you need to deliver engaging and inspiring lessons. Download free lesson plans and teaching materials from our citizenship Free Stuff page.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 0845 0 300 400 ... Ref: 1529

Books @ Press . . . Books @ Press resources make RE fun for pupils and easy for teachers! Developed by educationalists to specifically support teachers in addressing Religious Education and the Beliefs and Culture element of the Early Years curriculum, these exciting, stimulating and colourful publications and their accompanying cross-curricular resources are loved by children and teachers alike. The stories and activities, entirely appropriate and meaningful to even the youngest children, also provide more challenging ideas for older pupils. FREE downloadable teachers’ support material providing a wealth of ideas on how to use the resources, linked to the EYFS curriculum for England and the Foundation Phase curriculum for Wales, make these materials a must for every Early Years practitioner.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01594 516490 ... Ref: 1565

Consent2it @ Fidas Consent Training . . . Consent2it is new e Learning resource to deliver sexual consent training to students and staff. Designed by a Police officer, the interactive package deals with the legal and emotional consequences for everybody involved – including victim or perpetrator. It is bespoke, adaptable and interactive - the perfect teaching resource. Try before buy.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07708934607 ... Ref: 7948

Contraception Education . . . PHSE resources including Contraception kits
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07918611336 ... Ref: 3971

EGAR Educational Games And Resources . . . Award-Winning EGAR Educational Games And Resources design and publish an expanding range of Let\'s Get Talking Choice Discussion card sets and display posters to assist teacher\'s, youth workers, parents, mentors, PRU\'s and counsellors to educate children and young people to communicate about themselves and the world around them. The card sets cover Health, Crime Prevention, Personal Development, Citizenship and the Environment.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 0207 226 4040 ... Ref: 1379

Embrace-learning . . . E-learning for schools and colleges. Off-the-shelf or bespoke SCORM compliant courseware. We will: Provide you with sensibly priced off-the-shelf and bespoke courses Offer you free advice Help you roll out your e-learning or blended learning strategy Convert your training course into an e-learning demo free of charge
Website:     Email:    Tel: 0161 928 9987 ... Ref: 799

Explore Relationships . . . The new Relationships & Sex Education curriculum introduced in September 2020 acknowledges that young adults need support in developing healthy, nurturing relationships. We have worked with hundreds of state, faith and independent schools over 20 years. Together we have given 100,000+ young adults the opportunity to consider what healthy, loving and happy relationships look like and create positive relationships ambitions. Our significant experience and methodology enable us to work with education professionals to provide a unique relationships education experience for young adults. We are now able to offer virtual sessions remotely as well as in classroom sessions. You sessions are generally suitable from Year 9 to Year 13. Our unique methodology includes inviting a volunteer couple to come and share their real life lived experience with young people and so helping them discover tools for successful relationships themselves.
Website:  /     Email:    Tel: +447855412837 ... Ref: 3878

Eyes Open Creative CIC . . . The “Love or Lies?” education resource pack was developed to help schools and other settings explore positive and negative relationships, peer pressure and sexual exploitation. Includes FREE DVD with short film, pop video and animation.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01142794926 ... Ref: 1626

Feel Good Friends . . . The award winning company with a unique range of fun educational products. All resources help to build confidence and self esteem helping children to feel good about themselves and their world!
Website:     Email:    Tel: 02082445116 ... Ref: 1469

Felicitous Foodology . . . Felicitous Foodology provide a school nutritional program that is visual, interactive and educational.Our program is blended learning and unique, we provide a visiting nutritionist / Royal Society of Public Health nutritional advisor to give an hour presentation. We address healthy and unhealthy eating, the governments Eatwell guide, healthy food choices, making some great swaps, food labelling and learning to cook. ​​Our nutritional course covers all the basic requirements of healthy eating and nutrition that fits perfectly into a thirty-minute lesson over the duration of a term. No PPA time required. The course focuses its educational content at KS2 and is easily incorporated into PSHE, DT and science lessons. ​Our product includes access to 12 pre-prepared lessons in nutrition which embrace health, diet and exercise, statutory learning throughout KS 1-4.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07787958891 ... Ref: 3921

FPA . . . Growing up with Yasmine and Tom is an interactive e-learning tool that brings SRE to life in the classroom. Has 50 interactive age-appropriate lessons covering topics such as the body, feelings, relationships, family life and online safety
Website:     Email:    Tel: 442076085257 ... Ref: 2474

Friends, Strangers, Citizens? Life in Britain post 7/7 . . . DVD discussion resource. Worksheets with further material and discussion questions are included on the disc and can be photocopied freely.
Website:     Email:    Tel: ... Ref: 411

Funky Lunch Creative Food Workshops . . . Our award winning Creative Food Workshops show children that healthy food can be fun and are built around curriculum based discovery learning. Tasting, designing, making and eating are all part of a day packed with activities that allow children to be creative, learn new skills, understand ingredients and build confidence. Our resource packs will provide all the instructions, worksheets and reward certificates needed to enable schools to run their own creative healthy eating day as an alternative to our hosted days.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01903 719269 ... Ref: 1598

iSpace Wellbeing . . . iSpace Wellbeing is the mental health and wellbeing curriculum for schools and children aged 4-13. The evidence-based curriculum makes learning about mental health fun, with the KS1 and KS2 curriculums introducing engaging characters and space-based missions to help children learn about themselves, their physical and emotional health and important issues like diversity in our community and the environment. The KS3 #iWonder curriculum focuses on life skills such as managing emotions, understanding risk in a digital world, problem solving and decision-making. Teachers benefit from full curriculum materials including lesson plans, worksheets, stories and supporting slides, learning tools such as character and planet cards that children can use to communicate emotions and full training tutorials for teachers and staff. The approach gives schools everything they need to develop a common language and consistent approach to this crucial area.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07864390114 ... Ref: 3863

Learning for Living . . . ‘Learning for Living:Relationships and Health Education’ is a new affordable whole-school, downloadable, programme for KS1&KS2, meeting the 2020 Guidelines. Everything is provided for the busy teacher in an easy, accessible way, including an easy way to engage parents. L4L develops supportive relationships & has a proven impact on behaviour and attitudes.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07930244609 ... Ref: 3849

Mentally Well Schools . . . Mentally Well Schools offers evidence-informed solutions to improve mental health in schools. Access a growing library of free resources, comprehensive paid programmes and CPD to improve the mental health and wellbeing of your pupils and your staff. Provided by a former SENDCo with expertise in mental health and a leading Psychotherapist.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07709 795465 ... Ref: 3898

MTa Learning Ltd . . . MTa PASS is a lifeskills (e.g teamskills, communication, self esteem) resource KIT for use with pupils aged 8-18. The 17 activities come with large durable plastic components, teacher's guide and reusable review sheets. The aim is to improve personal performance and behaviour for all pupils though a series of fun, inteactive activities.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01937844800 ... Ref: 1545

Newset Training . . . We run managing stress workshops for staff and students. Personal development, mental resilience and wellbeing are the key focus of all our workshops and products. You can buy online training products, including a Wellbeing Workbook for Students.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07811356283 ... Ref: 2526

Outside The Box Learning Resources Ltd. . . . Outside the Box Learning Resources provides innovative photocopiable professional development resources which are cutting edge, classroom focussed and embedded with thinking skills, problem solving, critical and creative thinking, practical multiple intelligence instruction and learning styles. Specialising in providing supplementary lateral thinking and inclusive resources for teachers and school leaders, our resources cover a wide range of curricular areas from Foundation Stage right through to Key Stage 4, with a selection also very suitable for older students and adult learners. You will find resources for the following areas: Emotional Issues & PSHE, Bullying, Anger & Behaviour Management, Learning Support, Gifted Education, Thinking Skills, EAL along with curriculum support resources for; English, Drama, Music, Art, Design & Technology, Maths, SESE, Health & Exercise, Quizzes, Research & Library Skills. All resources concentrate on the ‘How’ rather than the ‘What’ students are learning and and many focus on life-long learning.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 08450 521151 ... Ref: 1456

Power Up! Empowerment Resources . . . Power Up! Moving to High School is the first of a New and Original Suite of Confidence Building Programmes for high school students from The Coaching Dynamic. The Power Up! Programme for Year 7 Transition contains both a multimedia summer programme, and a taught curriculum for the first term of high school. Using a lively, positively focused coaching approach, key principles for SELF AWARENESS, CONFIDENCE AND GOOD CHOICES are learnt alongside settling in topics including friendship. Principles from the programme can be used throughout the year to reinforce positive behaviour and engagement at high school. Comprehensive low-cost resource pack includes: summer e-book, teacher guide, student workbook, licenses for teachers and FREE live training (while places are available). Please download your Information pack, see samples from the website, and subscribe to new resource information. PGCE, Coaching, NLP qualified.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 01423313562 ... Ref: 2754

QFatima Ltd . . . Illustrated resources to enable RE teachers to teach Islam through the Qur'an. A poster depicting the 114 chapters in pictoral form and key concept cards explaining each chapter are a must have resource for every RE department.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 02084281240 ... Ref: 979

Shy and Mighty . . . The Mighty Mob is an online program for kids who identify as shy, and who want to feel braver, more able to speak-up, more able to join-in, and more comfortable being themselves. How it works: - Each week your mobsters will head over to the Mighty Mob online portal - Download your weekly Mighty Mission activity sheets - Print off your missions and get going (either in a group at school or at home with a parent, guardian or friend. - Each activity takes around one hour to complete – over the course of the week - Take little steps forward to becoming more mighty, day by day, week by week. - Your mobster will feel supported and understood - Earn virtual points and badges for every mission your mobster completes - Your mobster will feel more mighty by the day! The Mighty Mob will help your shy kids… - Feel happier and more confident - Become more resilient and better able to handle difficult situations - Feel comfortable speaking up in class and sharing their ideas and opinions - Become braver and more inclined to embrace uncertainty and new situations - Stop comparing themselves to others and finally feel comfortable being themselves -Understand their shyness and take steps to overcome the aspects of shyness that are holding them back -Improve their social skills and find it easier to socialise and make friends - Say yes to opportunities and take part in activities - Feel understood and supported
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07419113826 ... Ref: 3874

Sports 4 Schools . . . Sports 4 Schools, your online directory helping you find the right company to provide you with all the products and services that a PE department requires.
Website:     Email:    Tel: ... Ref: 178

Strength Cards . . . Award winning resources used by educators, counsellors, youth workers, mental health professionals, educational psychologists, parents and more, across the world, to help individuals with ​ *Self confidence and self awareness *Managing feelings and behaviour *Making relationships *Health and Wellbeing *Relationships *Living in the Wider World​ Supplier of EYFS & PSED, SEMH resources, strength cards, mindfulness, routine cards.Anti bullying quiz cards, mental health first aid kits.
Website:  /     Email:    Tel: 07932403208 ... Ref: 3837

The Play Doctors . . . Educational Support Resources for Social Communication, Special Educational Needs, Behaviour, Emotions and more
Website:  /     Email:    Tel: 01234 391436 ... Ref: 3895

Tiny Giants Theatre . . . Theatre in education specialists. Road safety, bullying, Shakespeare, Christmas productions. Curriculum targeted KS1, KS2, KS3 productions also available.
Website:     Email:    Tel: ... Ref: 345

Tree of Knowledge Ltd . . . Our courses and resources cover Assessment is For Learning, PSE, Enterprise, Study Skills, Citizenship and motivation. Our products are competency related, and enhance creativity, boost achievement and increase pupil and teacher self efficacy.
Website:     Email:    Tel: 07789 873363 ... Ref: 265

Total : 32


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